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Overview of SWA and occupational lung diseases - Presentation

Overview of SWA and occupational lung diseases - Presentation Marcus Twohig Thu, 2021-11-25 14:40
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Tag by Risk Management

Sam Hamilton, Director Occupational Diseases and Hygiene Policy presenting to the Australasian University Safety Association.

Video Summary:

Occupational lung diseases are work-related lung conditions of the respiratory system. 

If a person is exposed to a hazard at their workplace, such as dusts, gases, fumes, vapours, mists or microorganisms they are at risk for developing a disease. 

These hazards are airborne contaminants which are potentially harmful substances that are either not naturally in the air or are present in an unnaturally high concentration and to which workers may be exposed in their working environment. 

Occupational lung diseases include a broad range of lung diseases that may be acute, sub-acute or chronic, and either malignant, non-malignant, or infectious in nature.

Occupational lung disease is a priority condition under the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012–2022.

For more information visit our Clean Air. Clear Lungs webpage.

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Further advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about managing risks in your workplace. If you need help, please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.

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